Chapter 11 Language of Descriptive Statistics

Section 11.1 Terminology and Language

11.1.2 Rounding

The rounding of measurement values is an everyday process.
Info 11.1.3

In principle, there are three ways of rounding:
  • Rounding (off) using the floor function x.
  • Rounding (up) using the ceil function x.
  • Rounding using the round function (sometimes also called rnd function).

The floor function is defined as

floor :      ,    x     floor (x)  =  x  =  max{k:kx}.

If x is a real number, then floor (x)=x is the largest integer that is smaller than or equal to x. It results from rounding off the value of x. If a positive real number x is written as a decimal, then x equals the integer on the left of the decimal point: rounding (off) cuts off the digits on the right of the decimal point. For example 3.142=3 but -2.124=-3. The floor function is a step function with jumps (in more mathematical terms, jump discontinuities) of height 1 at all points x. The function values at the jumps always lie a step up. They are indicated by the small circles in the figure below, which shows the graph of the floor function.

Graph of the floor function

Let a real number a0 be given, written as a decimal number

a  =   gn gn-1 g1 g0 . a1 a2 a3

This number a can be rounded to r fractional digits ( r0 ) using the floor function by

a ~   =   1 10r · 10r ·a.

This process of rounding cuts off the decimal after the rth fractional digit. Thus, rounding using the floor function is in general a rounding off.
Example 11.1.4
Rounding the number a1 =2.3727 to 2 fractional digits using the floor function results in

a ~ 1   =   1 102 · 102 ·2.3727  =   1 102 ·237.27  =   1 102 ·237  =  =2.37.

Alternatively, it can be rounded by cutting off the decimal after the second fractional digit (however, this is only possible if the number is given as a decimal which is rarely the case in a computer program).
Rounding the number a2 =2=1.414213562 to 4 fractional digits using the floor function results in

a ~ 2   =   1 104 · 104 ·2  =   1 104 ·14142.1  =   1 104 ·14142  =  1.4142.

Rounding the number

a3   =  π  =  3,141592654

to 2 fractional digits using the floor function results in

a ~ 3   =   1 102 · 102 ·π  =   1 102 ·314.159  =   1 102 ·314  =  3.14.

The rounding method using the floor function is often applied for calculating final grades in certificates ("academic rounding"). If a mathematics student has the individual grades
Subject Grade
Mathematics 1 1.3
Mathematics 2 2.3
Mathematics 3 2.0
then the arithmetic mean of these grades is calculated by

1.3+2.3+2.0 3   =   5.6 3   =  1.8 6 .

Rounding to the first fractional digit using the floor function would result in the final grade of a ~ =1.8. The rounding methods for calculating final grades always have to be described exactly in the examination regulations.
The counterpart to the floor function is the ceil (a.k.a. ceiling) function:
Info 11.1.5
The ceil function is defined as

ceil :      ,    x     ceil (x)  =  x  =  min{k:kx}.

If x is a real number, then ceil (x)=x is the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to x. The ceil function is a step function with jumps (jump discontinuities) of height 1 at all points x. The function values at the jumps always lie at the bottom. They are indicated by the small circles in the figure below showing the graph of the ceil function.

Graph of the ceil function

Let a real number a0 be given as a decimal number

a  =   gn gn-1 g1 g0 . a1 a2 a3

This number a can be rounded to r fractional digits ( r0 ) using the ceil function by

a ^   =   1 10r · 10r ·a.

Rounding using the ceil function is in general a rounding up to the next decimal digit.
Example 11.1.6
Rounding the number a1 =2.3727 to 2 fractional digits using the ceil function results in

a ^ 1   =   1 102 · 102 ·2.3727  =   1 102 ·237.27  =   1 102 ·238  =  2.38.

Analogously, rounding the number a2 =2=1.414213562 to 4 fractional digits using the ceil function results in

a ^ 2   =   1 104 · 104 ·2  =   1 104 ·14142.1  =   1 104 ·14143  =  1.4143.

Rounding the number a3 =π=3.141592654 to 2 fractional digits using the ceil function results in

a ^ 3   =   1 102 · 102 ·π  =   1 102 ·314.15  =   1 102 ·315  =  3.15.

The rounding method using the ceil function is often applied, for example, in craftsmen's invoices. A craftsman is mostly paid by the hour. If a repair takes 50 minutes (i.e. 0.8 3 hours as a decimal), then a craftsmen will round up and invoice a full working hour. Colloquially, rounding mostly means mathematical rounding:
Info 11.1.7
The round function (or mathematical rounding) is defined as

round :      ,    x     round (x)  =   floor (x+ 1 2 )  =  x+ 1 2 .

In contrast to rounding up or rounding off, the maximum change to the number by this rounding is 0.5.

The round function is a step function with jumps (jump discontinuities) of height 1 at all points x+ 1 2 ,  x. The function values at the jumps always lie a step up. They are indicated by the small circles in the figure below showing the graph of the round function.

Graph of the round function

Let a real number a0 be given as a decimal number

a  =   gn gn-1 g1 g0 . a1 a2 a3

This number a can be rounded to r fractional digits ( r0 ) using the round function:

a   =   1 10r · round ( 10r ·a)  =   1 10r · 10r ·a+ 1 2 .

This rounding method is called mathematical rounding and corresponds to the "normal" rounding process.
Example 11.1.8
The number a1 =1.49 is rounded to one fractional digit using the round function to

a 1 = 1 10 ·round (10·1.49)  =   1 10 ·10·1.49+0.5 = 1 10 ·14.9+0.5  =   1 10 ·15.4  =   1 10 ·15  =  1.5.

The number a2 =1.52 is rounded to one fractional digit using the round function to

a 2 = 1 10 ·round (10·1.52)  =   1 10 ·10·1.52+0.5 = 1 10 ·15.2+0.5  =   1 10 ·15.7  =   1 10 ·15  =  1.5.

The number a3 =2.3727 is rounded to two fractional digits using the round function to

a 3 = 1 102 ·round ( 102 ·2.3727)  =   1 100 ·100·2.3727+0.5 = 1 100 ·237.27+0.5  =   1 100 ·237.77  =   1 100 ·237  =  2.37.

The number a4 =2=1.414213562 is rounded to seven fractional digits using the round function to

a 3 = 1 107 ·round ( 107 ·2)  =   1 107 · 107 ·1.414213562+0.5 = 1 107 ·14142135.62+0.5  =   1 107 ·14142136.12 = 1 107 ·14142136  =  1.4142136.

Exercise 11.1.9
Using the round function, round the number π=3.141592654 to four fractional digits: π =

Exercise 11.1.10
Let the numbers

a  =   47 17      and     b  =  3.7861

be given.
  1. Round each of the numbers a and b to 2 fractional digits using the floor function.
    The roundings result in a ~ =
    and b ~ = .
  2. Round each of the numbers a and b to 2 fractional digits using the ceil function.
    The roundings result in a ^ =
    and b ^ = .
  3. Round each of the numbers a and b to 2 fractional digits using the round function.
    The roundings result in a =
    and b = .