Chapter 3 Inequalities in one Variable

Section 3.2 Transformation of Inequalities

3.2.2 Exercises

If the inequality is multiplied by a composite term, we must investigate precisely for which values of x the case analysis must be done:
Exercise 3.2.4
Find the solution set of the inequality 1 4-2x <3. The domain of the inequality is D={2} since only for these values of x the denominator is non-zero. If the inequality is multiplied by the term 4-2x, three cases have to be distinguished. Fill in the blanks in the following text accordingly:
  1. On the interval
    the term is positive, the comparator remains unchanged, and the new inequality reads 1<
    . Linear transformations result in the solution set L1 =
    . The elements of this set satisfy the case condition.
  2. On the interval
    the term is negative, the comparator is inverted. Initially, the new inequality has the solution set
    , because of the case condition only the subset L2 =
    is allowed.
  3. The single value x=2 is no solution of the initial inequality since it is not in .

Sketch the solution set of the inequality and indicate the boundary points.

Exercise 3.2.5
The solution set of the inequality x-1 x-2 1 is L = .

Exercise 3.2.6
The solution set of the inequality 1 1-x <1+x is L =